Cook Public Library Board
The purpose of the Cook Library Board is to represent the library both to the people and to the governing officials. It is the trustee's obligation to see that adequate funds are obtained for good library service; to promote the best possible use of all library resources in the area; to improve existing libraries; and extend library service to those not previously served.
Board Members
Meeting Schedule
Eric Trip (Cook), President Theresa Drift (Cook), Vice President Michelle Koskovich (Field), Secretary Priscilla Hiipakka (Cook) JoAnn Anderson (Beatty) Bailey Conger (Beatty) Lisa Bedi (Unorganized) Beth Sprouls (Cook) Bob Champa (Cook) |
January 10 March 7 May 9 July 18 September 12 November 14 Library Board Meetings are held the second Tuesday of odd-numbered months at 6:00 pm (unless otherwise noted) |